Edgar Allan Poe's classic work of graphology
includes as much literary criticism as it does handwriting analysis, and also
serves as an overview of the major literary figures of his time - some still
well-known, many forgotten or only known by scholars.This edition includes an
introduction and a Biographical Dictionary of Poe's Subjects.
Excerpted from the over ONE HUNDRED entries (signatures
with comments)
in Poe’s “A Chapter On Autography” (1841)
NEW!!! The entire Biographical Dictionary is now on-line HERE
(Excerpts from the Biographical Dictionary appear for each)
![]() William Evans Burton
Mr. Burton is better known as a comedian than as a literary
man, but he has written many short prose articles of merit., and his quondam
editorship of the "Gentleman's Magazine" would, at all events, entitle
him to a place in this collection. He has, moreover, published one or two
books. An annual issued by Carey and Hart in 1840 consisted entirely of
prose contributions from himself, with poetical ones from Charles West
Thompson, Esq. In this work many of the tales were good. Mr. Burton's MS. is scratchy
and petite, betokening indecision
and care or caution. BURTON, William Evans
1804-1860 - English actor who came
to the United States in 1834 and established New York’s celebrated Chambers
Street Theatre in 1848. Burton himself was successful in a wide range of
parts from Shakespeare, Dickens and other authors. He wrote "The Actor's
Soliloquy” and "Waggeries and Vagaries” and edited the Literary
Souvenir in 1838 and 1840. In 1837, he
established The Gentleman's Magazine,
of which Poe was briefly assistant editor (1840). He also published a Cyclopedia
of Wit and Humor (1858). |
![]() Catherine Maria Sedgwick
The penmanship of Miss Sedgwick is excellent. The characters
are well-sized, distinct, elegantly but not ostentatiously formed, and, with
perfect freedom of manner, are still sufficiently feminine. The hair-strokes
differ little from the downward ones, and the MSS. have thus a uniformity
they might not otherwise have. The paper she generally uses is good, blue, and
machine-ruled. Miss Sedgwick's handwriting points unequivocally to the traits
of her literary style—which are strong common sense, and a masculine disdain
of mere ornament. The signature conveys the general chirography. SEDGWICK, Catherine Maria 1789-1867 – A popular novelist whose subjects included
Native Americans and women’s issues. Her first novel A New-England
Tale; or, Sketches of New-England
Character and Manners (1822) grew out of her
conversion to Unitarianism and ideas on religious tolerance. Redwood (1824) was her second. Her third, Hope
Leslie (1827) made her America’s most famous
woman novelist. A later novel, Married or Single? (1857) argued for a woman’s independence. Some of
her many short stories were collected in Tales and Sketches (1835), Stories for Young Persons (1841), and Tales of City Life (1850). |
![]() Lewis Jacob Cist
Mr. L. J. Cist, of Cincinnati, has not written
much prose, and is known especially by his poetical compositions. many of
which have been very popular, although they are at times disfigured by false
metaphor, and by a meretricious straining after effect. This latter foible
makes itself clearly apparent in his chirography, which abounds in ornamental
flourishes, not ill executed, to be sure, but in very bad taste. CIST, Lewis Jacob 1818-1885 – Banker, poet and collector of autographs and
portraits. Already as a boy he wrote poetry and music. He wrote for the Western
Monthly Magazine, Hesperian, and Cist's Weekly Advertiser, and for several years, he published the Souvenir, the first
annual of the West. Poe, reviewing his collected Poems (1845) in the Broadway Journal wrote that Cist had many admirers. He is virtually
unknown today. |
![]() Sarah Josepha Hale Mrs. Hale is well known for her masculine
style of thought. This is clearly expressed in her chirography, which is far
larger, heavier, and altogether bolder than that of her sex generally. It
resembles in a great degree that of Professor Lieber, and is not easily
deciphered. HALE, Sarah Josepha
1788-1879 – Writer. the first
female editor of a magazine and – author of “Mary Had a Little Lamb” (1830).
A widow, she began writing (1822) to support her family. She edited the Ladies’
Magazine from 1828 until Godey bought it in
1837. As Godey’s Lady’s Book, it
became the major woman’s magazine of its time. She collected women’s poetry
in The Ladies Wreath (1837). Her
Woman's Record; or, Sketches of All Distinguished Women, From "The
Beginning Till A.D. 1850” (1853) includes
2,500 biographical entries. |
![]() Francis Lieber
Francis Lieber is Professor of History
and Political Economy in the College of South Carolina, and has published
many works distinguished by acumen and erudition. Among these we may notice a
"Journal of a Residence in Greece," written at the instigation of
the historian Niebuhr; "The Stranger in America," a piquant book
abounding in various information relative to the United States; a treatise on
" Education;" "Reminiscences of an Intercourse with
Niebuhr;" and an "Essay on International Copyright"—this last
a valuable work. Professor Lieber's personal character is that of the best
and most unpretending bonhommie, while
his erudition is rather massive than minute. We may therefore expect his MS.
to differ widely from that of his brother scholar Professor Anthon; and so in
truth it does. His chirography is careless, heavy, black, and forcible,
without the slightest attempt at ornament-very similar, upon the whole, to
the well-known chirography of Chief-Justice Marshall. His letters have the
peculiarity of a wide margin left at the top of each page. . LIEBER, Francis 1800-1872 - Born in Germany, he had a variety of adventures in
Europe before coming to America in 1872. He became a professor of history and
political economy at the University of South Carolina, Columbia, until 1856,
when he went to Columbia College, New York. His inaugural address on
"Individualism; and Socialism, or Communism” was published by the
college. He wrote against secession (while in South Carolina) and later for the
Union. He also wrote Guerrilla Parties considered with reference to
the Law and Usages of War, and Instructions
for the Government of the Armies of the United States in the Field (1863) as well as a number of other works on law
and the penal system. |
![]() Anne S. Stephens Mrs. Ann S. Stephens was at one period the
editor of the " Portland Magazine," a periodical of which we have
not heard for some time, and which, we presume, has been discontinued. More
lately her name has been placed upon the title-page of "The Lady's
Companion" of New York: as one of the conductors of that journal—to
which she has contributed many articles of merit and popularity. She has also
written much and well for various other periodicals, and will hereafter
enrich this magazine with her compositions, and act as one of its editors. Her MS. is a very excellent one, and differs from that of her sex in general by an air of more than usual force and freedom. STEPHENS, Anne S. 1813-1886
- A New England author, she founded the Portland
Magazine in 1835 and in 1836 published The
Portland Sketchbook, a collection of local
writing. Moving with her husband to New York in 1837, she edited The
Ladies’ Companion and wrote for Graham’s
Magazine and Peterson’s Magazine, then founded The Ladies’ World (1843) and The Illustrated New Monthly (1846). Her poem “The Polish Boy” was long a
favorite. She also wrote several short stories. Her first long novel, Fashion
and Famine (1854), went through several editions in France. She was admired
for realistic if “intense” writing and did research in hospitals,
institutions, etc.. Her other works include Zana, or the Heiress of
Clare Hall (1854), The Old Homestead (1855), Sybil
Chase (1862) and Ahmo's Plot (1863) as well as a Pictorial History of
the War for the Union. |
Page copyright 2004, 2006 Jim
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